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“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do” – Andy Warhol


Photography has been a part of my life for nearly 6 years now and ever since I got my first camera at the age of 13 it has been my biggest passion since. My first camera was a Canon EOS 1100D with an 18-55mm lens and 75-300mm lens. Being surrounded by the environment, I have had so many opportunities which have helped improve my photography. As my knowledge in photography expands, I still find areas and subject matter which I am drawn to, and as the days, weeks, months pass, I still find new ways to present my images. I was hooked on photography from the first moments that I learnt the basics of shutter speed and focal length. The majority of my training in the basics of photography came about through experimentation and self-study, a process which I feel has helped me to develop.

I find myself thinking far more about the composition and timing of shots with still life photography. Web design has made me think more about presentation and post production in photography. I found this particularly useful when creating my shots with still life photography. Web design has made me think more about presentation and post production in photography. I found this particularly useful when creating my portfolio website. I chose to take Art, ICT and Business in school, all with reasons relating to photography. Art helped me with my analytical skills, look at artists’ work and photographers’ work and relating it back to my own; helping me to pick out compositional elements that I enjoy and others which I would stray away from. ICT massively improved my ability to describe content and explain its purpose. This translates nicely into photography with subject matter and the reason for including it in a shot. Business improved my knowledge of understanding about marketing and sales and how it all works. Through my media studies I have been able to expand my analytical skills.

Over the last few months I have become increasingly committed to pursuing a career in photography. It has been a joy to set up my own website and develop a portfolio that contains a wide range of different images from my work. I love playing around with light to create different images and moods. I use different kinds of light and effects for all of my images. Studying photography at BTEC has enabled me to develop an independent and self-motivated practice. I have enjoyed discovering the many genres of photography, especially portrait and still life. I am interested in the works of photographers ranging Irving Penn, Annie Leibovitz and Lee Jeffries. Given the opportunity and environment I feel that I could really excel and make a life for myself from photography.




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